

Religious Education

At Choppington, our aim is to encourage our children to appreciate and respect the different cultures of today’s diverse society. Through teaching RE across the key stages we aim to give our children the tools they need to enquire and explore other faiths and religions respectfully.

We, at Choppington, believe that RE has a significant role to play in the promotion of our children’s personal, spiritual, social, moral and cultural development, by promoting a respect and an open-mindedness towards others and their beliefs will, in turn encourage their own sense of identity and belonging.

We follow Northumberland’s Agreed Syllabus for RE alongside Discovery RE to give a broad and balanced knowledge in the religious traditions of

  •          Christians
  •          Muslims
  •           Jews
  •          Hindus

The teaching and learning approach we follow has three core elements which when used together provide the breadth and balance needed to teach about religions and beliefs. They are:

Making sense of beliefs: identifying and making sense of core religious and non-religious beliefs and concepts; understanding what these beliefs mean within their traditions; recognizing how and why sources of authority are used, expressed and interpreted in different ways, and developing skills of interpretation.

Making connections; evaluating, reflecting on and connecting the beliefs and practices studied; allowing pupils to challenge ideas studied, and the ideas studied to challenge pupils thinking; discerning possible connections between these and pupils own lives and ways of understanding the world.

Understanding the impact; examining how and why people put their beliefs into action in diverse ways, within their everyday lives, communities and in the wider world.